My Konbini Assurance

At My Konbini, we believe in doing business differently. We have a very inclusive and holistic approach to the way we do business, focusing on the quality of the products we sell and the values of the companies that produce them. This means that we thoroughly vet each brand that joins the My Konbini family, starting with what their products are made of.

When we evaluate a product, one of the first things we look at is the materials or ingredients used. We strive to find the best-in-class materials or ingredients in each product category. This is important because we want to ensure that the products we sell are not only high-quality, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly.

By focusing on the materials, we can ensure that the products we sell are not harmful to the environment, to the people who use them, or to the people who produce them. However, we don't stop at just looking at the materials. We also want to understand the company behind the product. We look at the company's values and how they show responsibility in the production of their products. This means that we want to see how they treat their workers, how they source their materials, and whether they take steps to minimize their impact on the environment.

We also look at the corners they refuse to cut. By understanding the company behind the product, we can ensure that the products we sell align with our own values and the values of our customers.

At My Konbini, we believe that by taking a more thorough approach to vetting brands and their products, we can build a more sustainable and responsible business. By choosing to work only with companies that share our values and commitments to sustainability, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

Materials & Ingredients

One of the first things we look at before we Qualify any seller’s product is: what is it made of? We begin our search by looking for products made from the most sustainable, or “best-in-class” materials or ingredients in each particular product category

It’s important to us that the materials and ingredients that our impaneled brands use preserve the planet for future generations.

By making this the first step of our 5 stage methodology, we can promise you that the products you buy on My Konbini are made from better ‘stuff.’ Because we know that when you buy good stuff, more of the good stuff–and less of the bad–get made. It’s simple economics!

And, just to make sure you’re getting the most out of your My Konbini experience, we provide resources so that you can see for yourself why the materials are absolutely awesome

Company Responsibility

Looking at materials is just the first step. In addition to the foundation of each product, we want to look at the foundation of each company. What are their company values? How do they show responsibility in the production of their products, the treatment of their workers, and corners that they refuse to cut?

While we love supporting locally made brands, we also support companies that make their products responsibly abroad.

We believe that location of production does not, on its own, determine the sustainability of the product, and try to weigh all of the benefits of each product and company together when making decisions about what to sell on My Konbini.


In addition to searching for brands that put their values first, we find brands that build responsibility into their brand in another way–through give-back programs. My Konbini celebrates brands that make giving resources, time, and service to various environmental or social organizations a part of their everyday duties.

But, the giving doesn’t stop with our brands! Every single purchase on My Konbini gives back even more. We’re proud to distribute a major part of our sales towards supporting women who lost livelihood due to COVID, a majority of them are handicapped and blind.

They are impaneled with us to promote every product of My Konbini. They act as our Direct Sales Partners.

So, no matter what you shop on My Konbini, you support a brighter future and a livelihood with every purchase.


Packaging is so often overlooked by other companies, which is exactly why we made it one of our key focus points.

Since we are dealing with many small sellers, we take it as a responsibility to educate each seller to consider packaging that has zero waste, plastic-free packaging whenever possible.

Although that’s something we hope to change, today’s infrastructure makes it difficult for manufacturers to break free of plastic completely. That’s why we’re closing the loop by offering a take-back program through My Konbini recycle program for any plastic personal care products sold on My Konbini. Just ship it to us, and we’ll work with to make sure it’s recycled properly!

Sustainable Lifestyle

Our last key focus for product choices is simple–does it help you live a more sustainable lifestyle?

My Konbini is truly a lifestyle, as our products encourage a better way of living. So, go ahead, shop–and live–better. We’re here for you!

There is no perfect product, that’s the reality. We search to find brands that check as many of our boxes as possible, and hope to provide our customers with “best in class” products that are made in ways that are significantly better than many. We can assure you that for every product on our site, we’ve put in the time and effort to make sure it’s a sustainable option, pioneering the movement toward even better methods and materials.